Incident Insider: Scarsdale Police Reports May 20-May 27, 2024

Eve Marx
4 min readMay 28, 2024
Vagrants, babysitters and a woman out and about wearing bedroom slippers

Dog gone quiet

A dog who wouldn’t quit barking was reported May 20 on Ferncliff Road; police stood outside the home where the dog was alleged to live for over 30 minutes but heard no barking.

Help! My kid locked herself in the bathroom!

A two year old was reportedly locked in a bathroom May 20 on Roosevelt Place. Police arrived with some firefighters and unlocked the door. The child was fine.


A Greendale Road caller May 20 reported they’d been bitten by a dog. Police say the dog control officer is following up on the incident.

Out and about in bedroom slippers

An elderly woman was reported to be in possible distress by a caller May 21 who saw her on Spencer Place and East Parkway. She was reported to be out and about wearing bedroom slippers. Police looked for her without result.

Teens having a good time

A Bradford Road caller May 21 complained about his neighbor’s music which he said was too loud. Police went to the location and found some teens having a pool party. The parents said they’d lower the music even though the responding officer didn’t think it was excessive.

Coyote follows a man and his dog

A caller May 22 told police he was being followed by a coyote in the vicinity of Aspen Road and Sycamore Road while he was walking his dog. Police looked for the wild animal but didn’t see it.

Not Little Red Riding Hood

A man dressed in red riding a red motorcycle was reported by the head of security of the Scarsdale schools May 22; the reporting party said he was riding around the Greenacres school grounds and then parked behind some dumpsters. Police looked for the man but he was gone on their arrival. The head of security said his behavior was suspicious and there was no reason for him to be on school grounds.

Who trimmed my hedge?

A Brown Road caller May 22 told police some plants on his property appeared to have been trimmed, but not by him. A report was made for documentation.

Overgrown shrubbery

A caller May 23 complained about overgrown shrubbery causing a visual hazard in the vicinity of Post Road and Carman Road. Police checking didn’t think it was causing a problem. A note was given to the highway department to give the shrubs a bit of a trim.

Baby locked inside car

A mom May 23 called police to say her infant was accidentally locked inside her car. The air conditioning was running. Firefighters arrived to unlock the car. The child was fine and the mom and the babysitter declined further attention.


A man was reported sleeping in a vestibule May 24 on East Parkway and Popham Road. Police had a word with him and he willingly moved on.

Bad babysitter alarms caller

A caller on Lyons Road May 24 reported an adult female putting a young child in a hot car to discipline them; the caller said she saw and overheard the woman grabbing the child by the arm and telling them they were in a ‘time out.’ She said the child was no longer in the car but playing in a park. The caller said she thought the child was spoken to harshly and was probably in the care of a babysitter and that the parents ought to know. Police say the car was gone when they arrived and the license plate information provided by the caller was attached to a residence in the Bronx. No action was taken.

Road rage incident upsets babysitter

A caller May 24 reported their babysitter was involved in a road rage incident in the vicinity of Popham Road and Taunton Road. The babysitter said a driver in a red four door sedan cut her off, honked at her, and when she got out of her car, stopped their car and verbally assaulted her, screaming profanities. A report was made for documentation only as there was insufficient information to follow up.

Covered in blood

A man described as “covered in blood” was reported May 26 on Weaver Street by the Bronx River Parkway. The caller said he was 6’2” and heavyset and wearing a blue and white striped shirt. Police caught up with him; he said he’d had a nosebleed and didn’t want any help.

Punched in the eye

A caller May 26 on Scarsdale Avenue reported being punched in the eye. Police spoke with multiple people on scene who denied calling the police. Nobody appeared injured.

Shirtless man seen on Ring camera

A Spier Road caller May 26 said their daughter saw a shirtless man on their Ring doorbell outside their door. Police came and looked at the video and then spoke with a shirtless neighbor whose garage door was open.

This report was made from official reports provided by the Scarsdale Police Department.

